Thursday, October 17, 2024

NEVER Dim Your Light for Anyone: Here's Why You Should Shine Bright! ✨💡

Why you should NEVER, 
and I mean NEVER, dim your light for anyone. 🌟

Let's get real for a sec. We've all been there holding back, trying to fit into someone else’s mold, or just playing it small because we didn't want to outshine others. Well, guess what? That's gotta stop. Right. Now.

Your light, your brilliance, your unique spark it's what makes you, YOU. Dimming your light to make others comfortable? It's like putting a Ferrari engine in a tricycle. Yeah, it might work, but it's a total waste of potential! Life is too short to play small and hide your greatness.

When you let yourself shine, you inspire others to do the same. You become a beacon of hope, courage, and authenticity. Sure, some people might be intimidated by your brilliance, but that's their problem, not yours. Remember, you’re not here to blend in you’re here to stand out!

So, go ahead, embrace your inner superstar. Show the world what you're made of. And if anyone tries to dim your light, just shine brighter. Because this world needs all the light it can get, and it starts with you.

Until next time, keep shining, and remember, you are unstoppable! 🌟🔥✨

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, animal rights activist, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
Email: |

The DARK Truth Behind Banning Girls from Schools

Today, we're diving into a topic that's as shocking as it is heartbreaking: the dark reason behind banning girls from schools. Buckle up, because this is going to be a wild ride.

So, why on earth would anyone want to ban girls from getting an education? Well, it all boils down to control and power. By keeping girls uneducated, certain groups can maintain their grip on society, ensuring that women remain dependent and subservient. It's a twisted way to keep half the population from reaching their full potential.

But let's get real for a second. Education is a basic human right, and denying it to girls is not just unfair it's downright cruel. Imagine the countless dreams crushed, the potential wasted, and the futures stolen. All because some people are terrified of what educated women can achieve.

And here's the kicker: this isn't just happening in some far-off land. It's a global issue that affects millions of girls every day. From restrictive cultural norms to outright bans, the barriers to education are as varied as they are unjust.

So, what can we do about it? Raise awareness, support organizations fighting for girls' education, and never stop speaking out against this injustice. Because every girl deserves the chance to learn, grow, and change the world. 💪📖✨

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, animal rights activist, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
Email: |

Friday, October 4, 2024

My BJD Doll's Black Desert Online BD9 Outfit Cosplay Adventure

Hey everyone! 🌟 I recently embarked on a fun and creative journey with my beloved BJD (ball-jointed doll), dressing her up in the stunning BD9 outfit from Black Desert Online. This outfit is a modern reinterpretation of the classic BD9, complete with intricate details and a touch of fantasy flair. 

First off, let me tell you how adorable my BJD looks in this outfit! The BD9 costume, with its sleek design and vibrant colors, fits her perfectly. Even though some in the community are up in arms about how this outfit doesn't quite match the medieval theme of the game, I think it adds a unique twist (for my doll, it is a different story for the game itself) 😂

Inspired by my doll, I decided to try cosplaying the BD9 outfit myself. Let me tell you, it was quite the challenge! But seeing the final result was totally worth it. I felt like I stepped right out of the game! Here is a sneak peak of my cosplay:

Now, let's get a bit sassy. 😉 I've recently fallen in love with creating handmade art. There's something incredibly satisfying about crafting something with your own hands, especially in a world where digital art is becoming so prevalent. Don't get me wrong, digital art is amazing and has its place, but there's a certain charm and authenticity to handmade pieces that digital just can't replicate. Super love Lili for making this all happen! ❤️

Plus, with the rise of AI, I've noticed a lot of digital art looking quite similar. It's like everyone is using the same templates and tools. Handmade art, on the other hand, is unique and personal. Each piece tells a story and has a bit of the artist's soul in it. So, while the world goes digital, I'll be here, happily crafting away with my paints and fabrics.

In the end, whether it's dressing up my BJD doll or diving into a cosplay project myself, it's all about the joy of creation. And while the community might have mixed feelings about the BD9 outfit, I think it's a fabulous addition to both my doll's wardrobe and my cosplay adventures.

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, animal rights activist, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
Email: |

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Keep Calm and Draw

When life gives you lemons, draw them during study breaks. 🍋✏️

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, animal rights activist, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
Email: |

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Desperate Much? The Creator Who Shamelessly Steals My Style! 😆

Desperate Much? 
The Creator Who Shamelessly Steals My Style! 😆

Oh, look who's at it again, trying to ride the coattails of originality with their knock-off font colors and thumbnail palette.🤭 It's almost cute how they think mimicking my style will somehow make them relevant. Newsflash: slapping on the same colors and fonts doesn't magically grant you creativity or talent. It's like putting lipstick on a pig and calling it a beauty queen. 

Honestly, it's laughable how these "monetization" copycats think they can just waltz in and steal the spotlight with zero effort. 

He went and edited all his thumbnails to make it seem like they’ve always been that way. Come on, who are we fooling here? There are two snakes behind that channel, and everyone thinks it's a solo act. Comedy gold. 🎭

Maybe if they spent half as much time developing their own unique style as they do stalking my content, they might actually create something worth watching. But hey, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? So, keep trying, sweetheart. Maybe one day you'll figure out that originality can't be bought or borrowed. Until then, enjoy being a second-rate version of the real deal.😎

Oh, don't worry, I'll be nice and not spill your handle. I get it, your channel is the livelihood for your family. And just so you know, I see right through your little game of reporting my videos to cut off my monetization. But hey, no sweat. I don't need the money as desperately as you do. 😉

Sadly, I don't have time to chat with shady characters like you. Unlike you, my life doesn't revolve around video games and being chronically online 24/7 👀. I'm busy with school, artistic projects, helping my community and running my business.❤️

Just a heads-up: I'll know if you're sharing this in groups because I don't distribute my work outside my own page. I will know that you intentionally visited my website and that would say so much about you.

In case you were wondering how I figured out it was you who keeps reporting my content and claiming it as your own, surprise! YouTube actually tells exactly which channel is making the copyright claims, and guess what? It's yours. Not so clever at hiding your dirty tricks, huh? And yet, you still try to act all innocent and message me like we're friends? What a snake! 🐍

You're now blocked on all my socials. Even though you are removed and blocked I know you will just create new accounts to stalk me to steal things. For someone who thinks they're so smart, you're just a sad dirty old man (living with a wife and family you deny LOL)  trying to sabotage creative small content creators. It's hilarious that you tried to get my monetization removed while still trying to copy my style. Pathetic. Just stick to your ugly AI thumbnail covers and tutorials 🤭 that's the only thing you're good at, copying other people's original hard work!

Just so you know, I whipped up this blog about you for a greater cause. Not just for my own amusement, but also for the real artists and creators out there who are getting their ideas robbed by bigger content creators like you. You're welcome. 😉

Note: Oh, I see you lurking there, trying to figure out which of my fabulous art styles you'll swipe next for your little money-making content scheme. Go ahead, take all you want, but let's be clear: you'll never be a real artist. And calling yourself an AI artist? Hilarious! AI artists are just talentless wannabes. You'll never earn my respect, darling. PERIOD! 🎨💁‍♂️

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, animal rights activist, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
Email: |



NEVER Dim Your Light for Anyone: Here's Why You Should Shine Bright! ✨💡

Why you should NEVER,  and I mean NEVER, dim your light for anyone. 🌟 Let's get real for a sec. We've all been there holding back, ...