Saturday, May 27, 2023

Art Contests Should Be About Passion, Not Networking and Who Knows Who

Art Contests Should Be About Passion, Not Networking, and Who Knows Who

Art contests are a great way to showcase your talent and get your work seen by a wider audience. However, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd, especially if you're not well-connected in the art world.

In recent years, there has been a growing concern that art contests are becoming more and more about who you know, rather than the quality of your work. This is due in part to the fact that many art contests now require entrants to submit a portfolio of their work, which can be expensive and time-consuming to produce. As a result, only those who have the resources and connections to get their work seen by judges are likely to be successful.

This is a problem because it means that talented artists who don't have the same resources are at a disadvantage. It also means that the art world is becoming increasingly closed off to new voices.

There are a number of things that can be done to address this problem. First, art contests should be more transparent about their judging criteria. This would help to ensure that all entrants are judged on an equal footing. Second, art contests should offer more opportunities for emerging artists to showcase their work. This could be done by providing free or low-cost entry fees, or by offering scholarships to attend art fairs and exhibitions.

Finally, art lovers should support art contests that are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion. By doing so, we can help to ensure that the art world is a place where everyone can thrive.

In addition to the above, here are a few tips for artists who want to increase their chances of winning an art contest:

Do your research. Before you enter any art contest, take the time to read the rules and regulations carefully. Make sure that you understand the criteria that will be used to judge your work.

Choose the right contest. Not all art contests are created equal. Some are more competitive than others. Do your research to find a contest that is a good fit for your skills and experience level.

Submit your best work. When you submit your work to an art contest, make sure that it is your best work. Take the time to edit and refine your work until you are confident that it is the best it can be.

Network with other artists. Networking with other artists can help you to get your work seen by more people. Attend art shows, exhibitions, and other events where you can meet other artists and art lovers.

Don't give up. If you don't win an art contest, don't give up. Keep creating art and submitting your work to contests. With hard work and dedication, you will eventually achieve your goals.

Thank you for visiting 🌹 Arabella Elric Ⓒ 🌹 group! This is a post archive. For inquiries and other concerns, feel free to send us an email. Have a nice day!~ ❤️ Arabella Elric 아라 is a Visual and Performing Artist and the first Metaverse Virtual Influencer from the Philippines. She is a variety content creator of video games, vlogs and podcast. She is also the pioneer artist of the serial Webtoon series Do Not Be Afraid. She started as a trainee and decided to be a VTuber and Virtual Model at the Metaverse Web 3.0! This is website is dedicated on news, updates and events. You can reach her on business and collab via

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