Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Male Gaze in Works of Fiction and in Real Life

The "male gaze" is a complex and multifaceted concept within feminist theory, primarily concerned with how women are portrayed and viewed in media and other visual arts. It can be unpacked in several ways.


Objectification: The male gaze positions women as primary objects of visual pleasure for the heterosexual male viewer. Their bodies, appearance, and sexuality are emphasized, often at the expense of their personality, agency, and inner lives.

Perspective: The viewpoint adopted aligns with that of a heterosexual male, shaping the narrative and framing of both male and female characters. Women are often seen through the eyes of male characters, and their actions and appearances are evaluated based on how they appeal to or serve the male perspective.

Power dynamics: The male gaze reflects and reinforces existing power dynamics in patriarchal societies. By framing women as passive objects, it minimizes their agency and reinforces the dominance of the male subject.


Cinema: Camera angles and framing highlighting women's bodies, hypersexualized costumes, and narratives focused on female characters primarily as romantic or sexual conquests for male protagonists.

Advertising: Using women's bodies to sell products, regardless of their relevance to the advertised item, portraying women as dependent on male approval or validation.

Art: Historical depictions of women as idealized beauties or helpless damsels in distress, often emphasizing their physical attributes over their individuality or complexity.

Criticisms and counterpoints:

Oversimplification: Some argue that the male gaze is a simplistic framework that doesn't account for the diversity of perspectives and experiences within both men and women.

Focus on negativity: Critics point out that the male gaze often overlooks instances where women are portrayed in empowered or complex ways, even within seemingly male-dominated media.

Evolution and alternatives: Discussions about the male gaze acknowledge its continued presence but also recognize the emergence of counter-narratives and more diverse representations of women in media and art.

Further exploration:

Laura Mulvey's essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" is considered the foundational text on the male gaze.

Contemporary feminist film and literary scholars offer critiques and nuanced analyses of the male gaze and its ongoing impact.

Discussions about the "female gaze" explore alternative perspectives and representations of women that challenge the assumptions of the male gaze.

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
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