Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Real Artists Don't Need Validation on Their Craft

Real Artists Don't Need Validation on Their Craft

While sharing and getting validation on your art online can be exciting and beneficial, it can also dilute the essence and individuality of the art. For a real artist, the most important thing is creating artwork that reflects your own creativity and unique vision, without seeking or requiring the approval or praise of others. Remember, you don't need validation from the outside world to create and share meaningful and fulfilling art.

🟡 Focus on intrinsic motivation: The purest form of artistic creation comes from an intrinsic desire to express oneself or explore ideas, not seeking external validation. Sharing it on social sites with the goal to just gain likes and attract people loses its meaning and essence. Focusing on this internal motivation can lead to more authentic and genuine artwork. However, if it is your own business and passion then it is valid goal to reach a certain amount of people or prospective clients.

🟡 Over-reliance on validation can be detrimental: Obsessing over external approval can stifle creativity and lead to self-doubt or a tendency to create for others, rather than for oneself.

🟡 The art itself exists regardless of sharing: The essence of a piece of art exists in its creation, in the process and emotions poured into it by the artist. Whether or not it is shared does not diminish its inherent value.

Ultimately, whether or not to share and seek validation is a personal decision for each artist. There is no right or wrong answer, and the value of sharing can vary depending on the individual, their artistic goals, and the nature of their work. 

As an artist, being true to yourself and staying true to your own creative expression is essential. If you're not true to yourself and instead try to compromise your artistic vision to please others, you'll never be truly happy as an artist. Instead, focus on being genuine and authentic to your own artistic spirit and creativity. That way, your artwork, and your artistic journey will feel more fulfilling and satisfying.

In the end, an artist at heart will feel fulfilled that they expressed their art and creations on the artwork itself whether people will like it or not. True artistic happiness lies in the intrinsic process of creation and the fulfillment of expressing your authentic self through your art.

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
Email: arabellaelricart@gmail.com | https://linktr.ee/arabellaelric

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