Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Real Reason Why Ugly and Insecure People Hide Behind Their VR Chat Avatars

In the social media age, it's not uncommon for people to hide behind online avatars and profiles. However, the trend of using VR headset avatars has seen a surge in popularity among ugly, mean, and insecure people (let's not include the good ones, let's focus on the dark side of VRChat and other social games). 

But why are they hiding behind these fake personas? This blog will delve into the reason behind this trend and explore how the use of VR headset avatars impacts their mental well-being and self-image.

🟡 Picture this: Behind that sexy, oversized boobs, a furry avatar who is rude to you in-game is a typical obese, ugly, white, racist woman/man. Who probably lives under their parent's basement and is insufferable so they are being a typical Karen in-game.  

🟡 So why do ugly and insecure people hide behind avatars? 

1. It Allows People to Be Someone Else
2. It Provides a Sense of Anonymity
3. It Allows People to Hide Their Weaknesses
4. It Creates an Illusion of Perfection
5. It is an Escape from Reality
6. It Allows People to Be Accepted by Others
7. It is an Effective Way of Coping with Emotions and Insecurities

If you've been into VR games or social games you probably encountered tons of these kinds of people who are loud and will not stop yapping until they grab everyone's attention. 

It is generally considered bad to be mean behind your VR Chat avatar, as it can create a toxic and unsafe environment for others. The anonymity provided by the avatar can make people feel less accountable for their behaviors and actions, which can lead to a lack of empathy and increased rudeness.

🟡 On the other hand, many people use VR Chat avatars as a source of entertainment and creativity, so the potential to be mean behind the avatar isn't always necessarily true. However, it's generally discouraged to intentionally misuse the anonymity provided by the avatars and act in a disrespectful or inappropriate way.

The Real Reason Why Ugly and Insecure People Hide Behind Their VR Chat Avatars is, simply put, because they lack confidence and self-esteem. This is likely due to various factors including their physical appearance, social status, internal beliefs, and perceived value. By masking behind virtual avatars, people have the ability to conceal these perceived flaws and create a more idealized version of themselves. 

This can provide temporary relief and a sense of validation for their insecurities. However, this behavior can also be considered unhealthy and can lead to further feelings of isolation and low self-esteem.

VR social games are all good until you encounter and experience bullying, pedophiles, mentally ill people who will stalk and doxx you, and a lot more danger coming your way.

Note: There have been numerous cases of grooming on this game and other social apps but they still won't implement an ID system and limit the age of the users who can use the app. Unlike Roblox who recently implemented an ID system because of the same events of grooming in-game. 

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
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