Thursday, December 21, 2023

My Backpack Survival Endgame Gear

My Backpack Survival Endgame Gear

From a person living alone

A major catastrophe/emergency scenario encompasses a wide range of possibilities, so it's impossible to give a one-size-fits-all answer to packing for survival. However, I can offer some general tips and categories of items to consider, keeping in mind safety and ethical considerations:

1. Basic Needs:

Water: A portable water filter or purification tablets are essential, as clean water sources may be scarce. Consider a collapsible container to hold and transport water. 

Food: Pack high-calorie, non-perishable food bars, dried fruits and nuts, and instant oatmeal or soup mix. Prioritize items with a long shelf life and minimal preparation requirements. In case you got some extra space then pack some canned goods and instant noodles as well.

Shelter: A compact emergency blanket or a lightweight tarp can provide protection from the elements. Consider a small, one-person tent if feasible. 

Noteworthy: If you have a budget it is very much recommended to buy a solar all-in-one generator where you can charge any electric gadget you may have. Try to buy a generator with a built-in radio, flashlight, and tons of mini outlets that are small and portable.

2. Safety and Security:

First-aid kit: Pack a comprehensive kit with bandages, wound ointment (Betadine), antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and common medications for colds, coughs,s and fever. Consider taking a basic first-aid course to learn how to use the supplies effectively.

Multi-tool: A versatile tool like a Leatherman or Swiss Army knife can be used for opening cans, fixing gear, and various other tasks.

Firestarter: Lighters, matches, or a ferrocerium rod can be used to start fires for warmth, cooking, and signaling. Add a stick of candle if you can.

3. Navigation and Communication:

Compass and map: A physical map and compass are reliable even if electronic devices fail. Learn basic navigation skills before your journey.

Headlamp or flashlight: A hands-free light source is crucial for nighttime navigation and tasks. Choose rechargeable LED + solar options for long battery life.

Transportation: In this kind of catastrophe and emergency, there will be a scarcity of electricity and gasoline. You will walk and run most of the time. If you are given a chance to grab more then it is recommended to own at least a portable and collapsable bicycle and a mini plastic fishing boat + life vest.

Attention grabber: A keychain whistle. This can signal help.

4. Additional Considerations:

Clothing: Pack versatile layers for different weather conditions, sturdy shoes or boots, and a hat for sun protection. Add a small towel and washable face mask if you can.

Hygiene kit: Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, alcohol, soap, toothbrush+ toothpaste, and personal hygiene products that can help maintain sanitation and prevent illness.

Documents: Copies of important documents like ID, passport, and medical records should be kept in a waterproof pouch. A small notebook and pen are also recommended.

Morale boosters: A small book, cards, or personal memento can provide comfort and distraction during a difficult time. (recommended if you only have extra space)

Self-defense: You can use your umbrella, knives (swiss/kitchen), pen, baseball bat, or any walking stick in case there is an attacker. In the end, a gun is always the deadliest if things get worse but a lot of countries ban this so this is the last thing I had in mind if you are licensed to own a gun then please be very cautious in using it.

Last and most important, pray and have a strong faith. Remember, the most important factor for survival is your own resourcefulness and adaptability. Stay calm, think critically, and use your skills to make the most of your limited resources.

I hope this information helps you prepare for whatever challenges the future may hold. Remember, even in the most dire circumstances, there is always hope for survival and rebuilding.

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
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