Saturday, February 17, 2024

OpenAI Sora: The End of the Film Industry? How AI Is Revolutionizing Cinema

The impact of AI and automation on the cinema industry is still being explored and debated. Some have argued that AI and automation can bring huge cost savings to the industry, while others have warned of the potential loss of jobs. These technologies will likely continue to be used in film production as a way to increase efficiency and save time. However, the full effects of AI and automation on cinema jobs and the industry as a whole remain to be seen. 

Now, here comes OpenAI Sora...

Reactions of film students to OpenAI Sora have been mixed. Some are excited about the potential for creativity and efficiency that AI tools can bring to film production, while others are wary of the possible negative effects on jobs and opportunities for creatives in the industry. Feelings of film students toward OpenAI Sora will likely shift as the technology evolves and its impacts become clearer.

You can check out the resource here:

As a film student and artist myself, terrifying weighs more than being excited about it. I've seen how the AI industry ate up the digital artist's job a few years ago. There is a huge decline in commission loss. It is no surprise the next target will be videographers and people who work in the cinema to be exact. YouTube will soon be filled with a minimum upload of 100 videos per day per person using all the AI they can. 

I still appreciate and believe in raw acting by humans. Brainstorming, scriptwriting, and creativity are what make our passion alive. But with this AI can summon an unlimited amount of videos per minute? Hell, all of us have been reflecting on the room the moment this news is released.

The film industry has been shaken by the emergence of powerful artificial intelligence tools such as OpenAI Sora. These AI systems have the potential to completely revolutionize the way movies are made, with some claiming that they can do everything from screenwriting to directing to editing. But is this vision becoming reality? And does it spell the end of the film industry as we know it? 

Eventually, people who are working on films will try to adapt to it. There will be new jobs handling this type of video and AI content. People need to live and to do that, you need to be more advanced than AI and use it wisely. 

About the Author

Arabella Eloise Sveinsdóttir, a.k.a. Arabella Elric from Reykjavík is a visual artist, actress, writer, model, content creator, voice actress, and vlogger of Íslendingar-Mongolian heritage and Filipino nationality. She is an active volunteer for different organizations and humanitarian groups, and an advocate for mental health.

🩰 Visual & Performing Artist 🟡
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